lunes, marzo 30, 2009


Sun/Venus Conjunction at 7º Aries

(March 27/09)

Today is the conjunction of the Sun with Venus!!! This occurs when Venus is Retrograde, and close to the earth. This means we are specially affected by Venus, completing relationship cycles, reviewing "WHAT we VALUE" and choosing what, and who, we give our energy to. The following 10 days or so are really important, as we are "seeding" our next cycle of: relationships, friends, how we open ourselves to love...

Reflecting on our whole attitude towards $$ money, to self worth, and initiating change on all these self expressions is vital right now...Both planets in Aries pressure us to take direct action & initiative. But...the best time for actions to be fruitful is after April 17, when Venus turns Direct. This is a very SACRED time for the Maya, for whom Venus, evening + morning star, symbolizes Quetzalcoatl, their Sun God. During the remainder of this cycle, Venus is hidden from view and is separated from the sun...this was seen as a time of downfall for world leaders and of dramatic social change (to put it mildly!). This is a time to go inside and pay ATTENTION to our feelings, to take care of ourselves, a time of renewal. Our health is in focus as well, as Venus rules blood sugar, the thyroid, and I think, our whole energy level.

Sun/Venus are at 7º Aries. (actual conj. was Mar. 27, last night). The opportunity for change is intense for the 4 Cardinal signs: Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. Mercury, ruler of mind, communication and perception is also in Aries, speeding up our minds, increasing creative thought, but also our impatience. Use the energy with care; what we CHOOSE will be with us for awhile.

Venus Retrograde forms a five pointed Star, a Pentagram, with each station of Venus forming each point. The whole cycle takes 8 years. This means we are now completing a phase that began in March, 2001, with Venus retro. in Aries. We are at the other end of emotional/relationship patterns that began then. Last Retro. phase was in Leo, in Aug. 2007. Do these dates ring a bell? *****



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